Welcome to Fringe Engineering
Inspired by the concept of fringe science:
Fringe science refers to ideas whose attributes include being highly speculative or relying on premises already refuted.
Hi, I’m Chris! Fringe Engineering is my way of understanding the future of software engineering — less the tools and technologies, and more what it means to be a human that tries to get a computer to do what they want.
I’ve written code for more than half of my life, but being a ‘software engineer’ feels more alien than ever, and I still have so much to learn.
In a series of semi-regular newsletters I’ll be exploring what it means to be a software engineer, through different lenses:
Being a climate-aware engineer
How we create and contribute to culture
Disruptive technologies and how they’ll reshape the established norms
How to learn in an unpredictable landscape
Our failure to collaborate and be empathetic
…and lots more!
If you write code, build software, lead teams or run a business, I hope you’ll learn something with me – please subscribe and share your thoughts.
See you soon!
— Chris